Sunday, 31 October 2010

Making Tracks to Plovdiv

Just about to catch the night train from Plovdiv to Istanbul so only time for dumping my mental notes, will expand later...

On route to Plovdiv 
Train station concrete and art, monolithic uglyness, confusion and bad signage
Great graffiti too late
Old trains, smelly toilets 
Former communist countries offer choice -hot or cold
Plains of '' or is this Patagonia?
More monolithic cocrete remnants of communist rule, empty shunting and cargo yards, platforms at ground level, people hanging around (south America?)  on tracks, cotton trees, cedar and hardwoods, revines and brown winter plains (praries), rocky mountains
Train guards reminiscent of old soviet military standing proud
Abandoned railway buildings, no door/window frames
Heating off :) what a wish after 3 cold days
Hugging the side of deep ravine
Tradition houses and coregated iron dwellings, tennements, squalid poverty - isn't that was communism was supposed to end?
Train picks up speed
Platforms barely above track level
Old man in field sitting on a bail of hay, sythe at his side, rickety old card and ragged donkey standing motionless
Vines - some still tendered but much overgrown and looking a sorry state 
Dogs chasing the train
Market gardning and orchards
 freight engine named britania
Massive Cement works/quarry
Tractors that look more like tanks
Approach Plovdiv socialist housing blocks which surpass elephant in size and number, washing drying

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