I have been lucky enough to have been working alonside Dan Jones, veteran Human Rights activist and author. Dan has been with Amnesty International since its beginning and he has been host for the City and Tower Hamlets Local Amnesty International group in London since 1980 (see http://www.towerhamletsandcityamnesty.blogspot.com/).
I joined Dan's Amnesty Group earlier this year and have been overwhelmed by the generosity and passion that all its members bring to the group. Regular fixtures include annual fund raisers at The George (on commercial road, London), an annual Summer Festival near Spitalfields and special events coordinated to highlight specific Amnesty campaigns.
Dan kindly agreed to sit for a portrait for another one of my assignments and we spent about 40 mins setting up, shooting and talking about his involvement in Amnesty and Human Rights activism.
As is proving to be tradition, my preferred final image was different to Dan's preference. I wanted to show Dan as a strong character so I chose the more traditionl portrait and I hope the final image achieves this (above). Dan's preference was for one that showed his softer side and a more contemporary camera angle(below).

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