Wednesday, 29 July 2009

A Religious Experience!

This is for those of you who have been asking for a pitiful photo of me doing my impression of a one armed bandit. I went under the knife on 24th July to have some pretty arcane slicing and dicing done on my shoulder called a Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression and ACJ Excision. To cut a long story short, I had some bone shaven off the shoulder bone and my bicep tendon cut, shortened and screwed into a hole drilled into my upper arm, Nice!

The surgery isn't for the faint hearted, but thank the stars for modern pain killers! But after years of injury and reinjury and the final straw being a snowboard accident at Xmas, which has left me in constant pain for the last 7 months, there weren't many options left open to me.

With my days dominated by the all important pill popping at 12 noon, 6pm, 12 midnight and 6am I began to feel almost normal, until that is I try to do basic maths, remember a telephone number or talk to people on the phone and notice what a struggle it all is and how slurred and labored my speech is! good drugs! Closest thing to a religious experience I've ever had!

Only 5 weeks one armed to go! Not looking forward to the physio though.

For those not squeamish click on the 'Read more...' link below for the graphic shot...


Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Birthday Bash Pics!

Finally I have gotten around to finish downloading and editing the pics from my birthday party back in March... I know I know its been 4 months but I've endured a post party hangover from hell, lurgy my Canuk friends brought over with them, various other Canadian visitors, my old computer going to silicon heaven, work going all crazy busy and life's generally getting in the way of late.

It's finally taken surgery and enforced recuperation leave to get me to this point, so its been tough being 40 thus far... It's hard being me!

The pic is the full size version for those of you that want to print it out as a souvenir.